Sabtu, 25 November 2017

Just a story (re-post from my last blog)

re-post (1 April 2008) It was in the dark night without any stars appeared; Cleo sat on the chair with holding a hand phone while waiting for a text from her secret admirer, in the veranda of her house. Cleo was a girlfriend of someone who knew her unilaterally and that relationship was a long distance love story between Jogja and Kendari through chatting with SMS.A few minutes after she sat, there was a text coming from her secret admirer that said, “would you like to be my wife?” She was really shock at that time and then, she replied “Are you kidding me? I’ve never seen you directly, I didn’t know you well, and what about our family?”. Not long after she sent it, her Hp was ringing; there was a text replied by the Secret admirer, “I think my picture is clear and our parents are agree with us. Did you remember? There was a couple from Jogja stayed a night in your house a week ago and one of them gave you my picture? Honestly, your perception was right at that time, they are my parents. I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you the truth, because I want that my parents would see you naturally. By the way, a ring which has my name in there will come tomorrow. I hope you will receive it”. That text was bringing lots shock than before, she kept silent for a while, thinking, and consider many things. After that, she sent a text for the Secret admirer “I don’t want your ring. I want you come here”. The following afternoon, the secret admirer and his parents came to Cleo house and asked for her in marriage formally.


di pojok sebuah lorong sepi ditengah ramainya sebuah kota..sebuah kubus bisu menjadi saksi kemandirian seorang gadis yang beberapa waktu lalu tlah menjadi wanita. Hari demi hari berlalu, kemandirian mengubahnya menjadi seorang yang sangat cuek, tanpa semangat, layaknya seorang tanpa tujuan hidup. Namun kemudian beberapa manusia masuk dalam sejarah hidupnya, sesaat wanita itu tersadar bahwa manusia-manusia inilah yang ia cari selama ini. Manusia-manusia yang memberinya tawa kebahagiaan tanpa pamrih seperti beberapa manusia-manusia sebelumnya. Mengapa manusia-manusia ini tidak turut hadir ketika manusia-manusia sebelumnya memberinya tawa

Attending first performance of Elite

I'm sitting formally actually in front of my laptop while trying to look for inspiration and understand what should I write about... I just want you know what I feel right now after "attending first performance of Elite".. I was really happy and the climax of my happiness at the end of that performance which inspire me about one more spectacular show that must be performed by Elite.. it is our dream...